Histogram in Spark (1)

Spark’s DoubleRDDFunctions provide a histogram function for RDD[Double]. However there are no histogram function for RDD[String]. Here is a quick exercise for doing it. We will use immutable Map in this exercise.

Create a dummy RDD[String] and apply the aggregate method to calculate histogram

scala> val d=sc.parallelize((1 to 10).map(_ % 3).map("val"+_.toString))
scala> d.aggregate(Map[String,Int]())(
     | (m,c)=>m.updated(c,m.getOrElse(c,0)+1),
     | (m,n)=>(m /: n){case (map,(k,v))=>map.updated(k,v+map.getOrElse(k,0))}
     | )

The 2nd function of aggregate method is to merge 2 maps. We can actually define a Scala function

scala> def mapadd[T](m:Map[T,Int],n:Map[T,Int])={
     | (m /: n){case (map,(k,v))=>map.updated(k,v+map.getOrElse(k,0))}
     | }

It combine the histogram on the different partitions together

scala> mapadd(Map("a"->1,"b"->2),Map("a"->2,"c"->1))
res3: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(b -> 2, a -> 3, c -> 1)

Use mapadd we can rewrite the aggregate step

scala> d.aggregate(Map[String,Int]())(
     | (m,c)=>m.updated(c,m.getOrElse(c,0)+1),
     | mapadd(_,_)
     | )
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1 Response to Histogram in Spark (1)

  1. Pingback: Histogram with Spark (2) – Implicit class | Big Data Analytics with Spark

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