dropDuplicates may create unexpected result

In an earlier post, I mentioned that first aggregate function is actually performed a “first-none-null”. This post is a consequences from that bug/feature.

Here is a quick test of dropDuplicates DF-method within the Spark-shell

scala> case class Rec(id:Int, k:Int, v:String)
defined class Rec

scala> val df=sqlContext.createDataFrame(Seq(Rec(1,2,null),Rec(1,3,"a")))
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: int, k: int, v: string]

scala> df.show
| id|  k|   v|
|  1|  2|null|
|  1|  3|   a|

scala> df.dropDuplicates(Seq("id")).show
| id|  k|  v|
|  1|  2|  a|

As you can see here that the result is even not one of the input record! If we consider first only returning none-null value as a feature, above behavior of dropDuplicates is definitely a bug.

For our own project, we actually have to create our own First aggregate expression to allow true first. Then we implemented dedupByKey method within SMV.

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